Munich-based artist Ecco Meineke has many talents: He started as a cabaret artist with his former partner Werner Schmidbauer in the local smaller-scale performing arts scene, then discovered stage acting, shot several short and feature films, studied German philology and learned to tapdance, worked as a radio and TV host for the Bavarian broadcasting network BR, is still an integral part of the infamous comedic ensemble Münchner Lach- und Schießgesellschaft, sang the soundtrack to Bully Herbig’s blockbuster „Der Schuh des Manitu“, has started performing as a cabaret solo artist, and is deeply involved in songwriting on top of everything else.
Ecco DiLorenzo paid his respect to Nat King Cole’s repertoire for more than 10 years, and racked up years of experience in the matter of „soul“ with his band „Innersoul“. He had plenty of opportunity to do so in his more than 1000 concert and supporting class acts like Johnny „Guitar“ Watson and Ray Charles. He has played just about every musical style known to man – and it is an uncanny and wonderful piece of luck that these two gentlemen are one and the same!
Meineke and his alter ego confidently pipe up now with the debut album „Self-fulfilling Prophecies“ of their 15-year-old formation „Ecco DiLorenzo Jazz Quartet“. This gives the German jazz world a massively grooving and delicately composed album with a rare peculiarity: German lyrics, both entertaining and serious. Willing jazz fans can expect an unusual and extraordinary album with lyrics from the brilliant lyricist Ecco Meineke, infused with the groove of the incredibly multi-faceted and exceptional musician Ecco DiLorenzo.
Alongside Ecco DiLorenzo, the well-attuned trio Chris Gall (p), Wolfgang Peyerl (dr) and Paul Tietze (b) form the musically swinging foundation, and guest artists like Tim Collins (vibraphone), Andreas Dombert (guitar) and Tom Reinbrecht (sax), who all contributed to the creation of this studio album, seamlessly fall into line in this piece of jazz art.
Look forward to entertainment extraordinaire!