Martin Kälberer piano, d-minor-, pentatonic & integral hang, gubal, pang gudu, halo, gong, handsonic, singing saw, bells, triangel, vibrandoneon, accordeon, rhodes, shaker, pendelsaite, jampot, harmonium, voice
Lisa Wahlandt voice on “both sides now“
Release Date: 18.09.2015
Whenever a dream becomes reality, the world becomes a bit richer. This is also true for Martin Kälberer who has fulfilled a long cherished dream through his new solo project, SUONO – a pure solo piano album. But SUONO is a double album, and thus, much more than that. The piano recordings with the name „einklang“ (one sound) stand in contrast to the album „vielklang“ (multiple sound), musically as well as conceptually – a multi-dimensional journey through the dimensions of metallic sound.
Wait a minute, „Suono“? That’s Italian for „sound“, as well as for „I play“, and symbolises the thoughts underlying this project: playfully broadening the (sound) frontiers. With the double album of the same name, Martin Kälberer sets off on a melodic journey of discovery through his musical self. In his last project, “Goya” paintings were the starting point of the music. Now, SUONO is a soundtrack of pictures of the inside: a reflection of the moment; the innermost expression of the artist, shaped by current events in the world. And thus, SUONO is like a document of our times where great changes are taking place, not only in positive ways …
At times accusingly melancholic, other times elegiac, pulsating, through to light and exhilarating, „einklang“ playfully opens up new facets of piano music. The deliberate focus on only a single instrument and voice was a liberating experience, providing new room for creativity. Martin Kälberer used the moment to find inspiration for the compositions. The song just played, formed the basis for the song to come. And so he only played what was within him in the moment. The entire album was virtually a live rehearsal – each song being accomplished within a few takes. And the way it came into being is the way it invites one to listen to the music, completely concentrated and reduced to only one instrument, „einklang“ surrounds the listener with fresh, organic sound aesthetically allowing the listener to sink into the moment. At two points in „einklang“ you can also hear voice. Not only the voice of Martin Kälberer, but especially the voice of Lisa Wahlandt, lends a special lustre to a very intimate version of „Both Sides Now“ by Joni Michell. This is incidentally the only ‚foreign’ composition which had been a long awaited wish to interpret.
„vielklang“ is a melodic fusion of metallic sound. Partly exotic appearing instruments like the Hang, Gubal, Halo, Gongs, Waterphone, Musical Saws and Pendulum String possess very unique sounds with astonishing warmth and depth. Their archaic, sometimes mystical and yet direct, moving tones are a central component of Martin Kälberer’s musical language. He has been fascinated with metallic sounds for most of his life: as a child, drumming on pots, railings or bins; or later, his fascination for gongs and singing bowls, finding its peak in the discovery of the Hang, allowing completely new forms of musical expression. Reed instruments like the accordion, melodica or harmonium, and lastly the good old Fender Rhodes piano are also brought in, and shape the special atmosphere of “vielklang”.
With these two different approaches, Martin Kälberer shows once again his great musical horizon and his broad repertoire of sounds. He concludes, “Suono is the album I’ve always wanted to make. All in all, I believe that with this album I have been able to come a little bit closer to myself.”
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